Not every training problem requires a customized solution.
At WSC, we believe that learning does not necessarily correlate with a replica
simulator. That’s why we have developed a series of generic simulator solutions
to provide you and your future operators with the baseline knowledge and
familiarity essential to safely, and efficiently manage a power plant.
Generic Training Simulators allow students to perform
complete plant startups, shutdowns, and load maneuvers, as well as
realistically replicate normal and abnormal plant transients, including
malfunction scenarios. These simulators can be installed at a customer site
using standard local area network (LAN) technologies in a client/server mode or
in standalone mode (models and HMI run on the same computer) or classroom
environments. WSC also offers the ability to access the simulator through
a web-based simulator interface, allowing the use of the simulator over
Internet from anywhere in the world.
Generic Training Simulators
and their accompanying lessons are geared toward newly formed regulatory
agencies, universities, and technical institutes. They can be integrated with
3KEYSTUDENT™ and a Learning Management System (LMS) to track each student's
progress through the lessons.Familiarize your upcoming workforce with
power plant mechanics and procedures, all at a fraction of the cost of a custom
built simulator. Generic training simulators are based on a real operating unit
which has been completely tested and verified to perform plant maneuvers in a
realistic and accurate manner based on the unit they depict.
If interested in checking how close our Training Simulators might be to your plant, take a couple of minutes and complete a short "configurator" questionnaire. WSC offers a great range of generic Combined Cycle, simple cycle and Fossil Simulators
Generic Simulator for Pressurized Light Water Reactors
Generic simulator for the Pressurized Light Water Reactors with two circulation loops, two vertical steam generators, and four reactor coolant transfer pumps. The Reactor total thermal power is 3983 MW, and the turbine electric power is 1400 MW. Turbine rotation speed is 3000 rpm.
The steam generators supply steam to the turbine which consists of high pressure turbine and three low pressure turbine cylinders. Condensate is pumped from three condensers by the condensate pumps through low pressure heaters to the suction of 2 turbine driven feedwater pumps.
The Feedwater pumps provide necessary feed flow to the steam generators through high pressure heaters. Four moister separator reheaters separate moisture from high pressure turbine exhaust steam, reheat it in two stage reheaters, and direct steam to the low pressure turbines.
The simulator includes over 75 graphic control screens capable of operating the power plant from cold shutdown to full power with 10,000 supervised points
The simulator includes an alarm and event system to aid in the operation and fault analysis
A full featured trending system complements the plant controls to allow for supervision of one or multiple points to evaluate plant behavior and transients
A full featured Instructor Station capable of inserting 100s of malfunctions
VVER Type Generic Simulator for Gen III+ Nuclear Power Plants
VVER type generic simulator for Gen III+ nuclear power plants is a Pressurized Light Water Reactor with four circulation loops, four horizontal steam generators and four reactor coolant transfer pumps. The Reactor total thermal power is approximately 3200 MW and the turbine electric power is approximately 1200 MW. Turbine rotation speed is 3000 rpm.
The steam generators supply steam to the turbine which consists of high pressure turbine and four low pressure turbine cylinders. Condensate is pumped from four condensers by the condensate pumps through low pressure heaters to deaerator and to the suction of five feedwater electric pumps.
The Feedwater pumps provide necessary feed flow to the steam generators through high pressure heaters. Four moister separator reheaters separate moisture from high pressure turbine exhaust steam, reheat it in two stage reheaters and direct steam to the low pressure turbines.
The simulator includes over 140 graphic control screens capable of operating the power plant from cold shutdown to full power and run any transients.
The simulator includes Fukushima safety systems
A full featured trending system complements the plant controls to allow for supervision of one or multiple points to evaluate plant behavior and transients
A full featured Instructor Station capable of inserting 100s of malfunctions