Simulators are primarily learning tools and at WSC, we’re committed to providing your operators with world-class training simulators complemented with training modules. 3KEYMASTER™ is right at home in the classroom, boasting a range of training options using the 3KEYITS™ product; from the assistance-rich Mentor Mode to the life-like Test Mode, 3KEYITS™ product can complement any generic, custom or classroom simulator with lessons designed to enhance the use of the simulator for beginners and experts based on the complexity of the lesson plans.
Enhance Your Simulator Capability
Classroom simulators are designed to meet teaching objectives in a classroom or training lab environment. They can be used in conjunction with first-principles based engineering education or to complement full-scope simulator operator training. In a training center, for example, the classroom simulator can help optimize the use of a full-scope training simulator by scheduling specific training modules on the classroom simulator instead of the full-scope simulator.
A classroom simulator could be structured to use one simulator software or multiple simulators on the same platform. Based on the needs of the user, a classroom simulator can have an unlimited number of seats. Each seat can run the simulator software independently or in cooperation with other students. The classroom simulator can then be used for various lesson plans with some students using different lessons than others. The 3KEYMASTER™ Instructor Station has also been enhanced with a 3KEYCLASS environment allowing for the instructor to switch his attention to one student or a group of students independent of others.
Part-Task Simulators
Part-task simulators are designed to analyze, predict, or optimize the performance of complex systems under varying operating conditions or fault scenarios. Other than physical testing, which could be prohibitively expensive or physically damaging to the plant asset, the only other cost-effective method to perform these tasks is to model them through engineering-grade simulation. 3KEYMASTER™’s Part-task simulators can be used in the following:
Conceptual Studies
Design Analysis and Optimization
Establishing Process Parameters and Equipment Sizing
Recommendations for Efficiency improvements
Root cause analysis of observed phenomena
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
Redundancy Analysis
Probabilistic Risk Assessments
Part-task simulators incorporate only specific systems relevant to the engineering objectives, and incorporate components, equipment, and machinery used in conjunction with systems such as:
Fluid systems
Thermal systems
Electrical systems
Fuel and combustion systems
Nuclear systems
Control systems, including Distributed Control Systems (DCS)