3KEYSAFE™ - Configuration Management System (CMS)

Data Configuration Management Overview
It is inevitable that the design of a power plant will change over time. Whether in the design, engineering, or operation phases, modifications, upgrades, and life-extensions are an ongoing part of plant maintenance and improvement.
When it comes to simulator development, the evolution of the physical plant must be mirrored in the design and operational arrangement of the simulator. After all, without a specific method of accounting for plant changes in the simulator, the training and licensing of nuclear plant operators is not valid. Likewise, tracking and accommodating simulator enhancements, modernization, user input to the simulator performance is critical to developing and managing a world-class simulator.
In order to address these pressing issues, WSC has developed 3KEYSAFE™. Designed to track code versions and simulator project-generated documents, 3KEYSAFE™ provides users with a comprehensive Configurations Management System (CMS). Leveraging the powerful visual features of the 3KEYMASTER™ environment and the strengths of commercial Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS), 3KEYSAFE™ gives you the efficient means of managing design data and configuration items necessary to effectively develop and maintain the simulator.

Software Configuration Management Overview
Configuration Management System (CMS) ensures that the evolution of the simulator software is controlled and consistent with various design specifications. Through tracking the tool versions used to develop the simulator, the CMS provides developers with the means to trace the artifacts produced by and used in the simulator.
Relationship between 3KEYSAFE™ and 3KEYMASTER™
CMS is used to capture all available data that could be used for simulator design. The 3KEYSAFE™ enabling features within 3KEYMASTER™ allow document references to be captured at the point of use. Then, automation features export this information into files that can be imported into the 3KEYSAFE™ repository, which typically deploys an RDBMS with pre-defined tables where this information is stored. 
Various functions within 3KEYSAFE™, including the automated generation of simulation design specifications and reports, then allow for this information to be used for various Configuration Management functions, design reviews, audits, and decision-making. 
For a complete list of 3KEYSAFE™ - Configuration Management System (CMS) features, uses and advantages please refer to our 3KEYSAFE™ - Configuration Management System (CMS) brochure.
3KEYCATALOG™ Simulator Equipment Catalog
Gathering and applying reference data (i.e. design and operational information about the system or equipment being modeled) is critical to building an accurate simulator. However, the disparate sources of media in which these data are found can lead to source material being lost or obscured as the project progresses. Such attrition used to be unavoidable, adversely affecting both the overall quality of the simulator, but also the ease with which the simulator could be reconfigured. 

WSC has synthesized the cure for this particular project ailment: 3KEYCATALOG™. Serving as a cataloging and archiving tool, 3KEYCATALOG™ records raw source data, performs derivations, manages the verification process prior to informational transfer to the model, and makes visible how data is used in the simulation. 

3KEYCATALOG™ stores in an RDMS database a history of component data; such as valves, pumps, heat exchangers. The system uses component data specific to simulation models and as supplied by various manufacturers for reuse and automated update in the 3KEYMASTER™ process system models. 
For a complete list of 3KEYCATALOG™ Simulator Equipment Catalog features, uses and advantages please refer to our 3KEYCATALOG™ Simulator Equipment Catalog brochure.