ADT (Taiwan)

A-D Technology, Incorporated (ADTech) was founded in September 1988 by a group of engineers with over 60 years of collective professional experience working in the United States. Created to meet the growing demand for technical expertise in Taiwan, ADTech is dedicated to promoting industrial and commercial applications of computer and information technologies. Our goal is to create, adapt, and assist our clients in utilizing innovative and proven computer, communication, and control technologies to improve operational safety, productivity and efficiencies.



SOS is a leading provider of training and compliance solutions to the power industry in North America. As all areas of electric utility operations come under increased scrutiny, SOS continues to rigorously track and interpret NERC Reliability Standards and the latest industry trends to expertly translate them into customized training and compliance programs. SOS provides solutions for distribution, transmission, generation, and power markets – tracking, translating, and training on information to manage risk and ensure reliability and resiliency of the North American power grid.



WSC is a licensee of RELAP5-R/T from Idaho National Laboratory (INL). WSC has applied the RELAP5 Thermal-Hydraulics Code, including the NESTLE (Nodal Eigenvalue, Steady-state, Transient, Le core Evaluator), to several full-scope nuclear power plant simulators, including recently to the Bruce B and Susquehanna projects. On the Bruce B simulator, WSC supplied the PHT, Boilers, Moderator and Reactor models using the RELAP5 thermal-hydraulics code and installed a new engineering-grade (NESTLE) model to simulate the neutronics. On the Susquehanna simulator, WSC provided the NSSS Reactor and Recirculation System models using the RELAP5 thermal-hydraulics code and NESTLE neutronics codes, as well as the models in the remainder of the primary loop using the 3KEYMASTER™ Tools. Previously, RELAP5 has been used on the Seabrook, Comanche Peak, Diablo Canyon, Salem, Hope Creek and  Palo Verde Simulators. For further information on INL, please go to .RELAP5 is maintained by INL, who provides regular updates to its large consortium of licensees. A wealth of information on RELAP5 is available at the RELAP5 home page: .

GP Strategies Corporation

GP Strategies Corporation (NYSE: GPX) is a global performance improvement solutions provider of sales and technical training, eLearning solutions, management consulting and engineering services. GP Strategies' solutions improve the effectiveness of organizations by delivering innovative and superior training, consulting and business improvement services, customized to meet the specific needs of its clients. Clients include Fortune 500 companies, manufacturing, process and energy industries, and other commercial and government customers.
As a WSC partner, GP provides a wide range of power plant simulation services, including the development of detailed specifications for the purchase of high-fidelity simulators, project management of simulator development projects, simulator acceptance testing, simulator instructor training, and the development of detailed simulator training programs.
WSC and GP Strategies most recent collaboration was to develop and launch an innovative platform for bringing real-time simulation and training to the student over the Internet. For additional information on this web-based training being offer, please click the following: Web-based Training.
Additional information may be found at

Mauell Corporation USA
Mauell Corporation, located in Dillsburg, PA, is our partner for providing structures and integrating the hardware for our 3KEYTOUCH™ GlassTop Simulator solutions. Since 2011 we have delivered over 50 GlassTops (click here for more information) and recently worked together to provide replica full scale Control Room GlassTop Simulators (CRGTS) for Duke Energy’s Robinson and Brunswick Nuclear Power Plants. WSC and Mauell also teamed together for the delivery of two major simulator hardware projects. We provided new hardware systems for the Bruce A Simulator Control Room and the Ontario Power Generation Darlington Nuclear Generating Station (DNGS) Unit 2 replica full-scope Training Simulator. These projects included manufacturing and delivery of hard panels with replica instrumentation, I/O systems, operator consoles, instructor's facility, computer systems, network infrastructure, and communication interfaces. For further information about Mauell, please go to



GNP System Co., Ltd (GNP) was founded in 2005 to meet the growing demand for technical expertise in the power and energy industry in South Korea and is a proven provider of research and development, simulation, and engineering technology supporting the Korean nuclear fleet of power plants. GNP staff of 30 engineers have aided in the design, development, and integration of dozens of Korean power plant simulators and simulator upgrades with 65% of our efforts concentrated in the nuclear field. GNP is committed to promoting industrial and commercial applications of simulation technologies in the power industry, striving to create, adapt, and assist our clients to provide customer service, and a complete spectrum of high-quality and cost-effective simulation services.