WSC Continues to Support Duke Energy
WSC continues to support Duke Energy with several updates to their fleet of 30+ simulators, including:
- Sutton Turbine Control Update: Remove the emulated Toshiba turbine controls, implement Virtual Ovation (see below), and update ITS lessons.
- WS Lee Onsite Support: Miscellaneous support to resolve issues during various power maneuvering evolutions, and update ITS lessons.
- HF Lee Turbine Control and BOP Upgrades: Remove the emulated Toshiba turbine controls, implement Virtal Ovation (see below), and update ITS lessons.
- Mayo Boiler and Environmental (Zero-Liquid Discharge, ZLD, treatment system) Simulators Upgrade Support: Implement new Virtual Ovation systems (see below) and update models.
- Duke Smith PB5 Update: Implement new Virtual Ovation system for the BOP and provide/integrate new GE Mark VIe virtual controls for Steam Turbine controls (see below), to support planned plant upgrade in 2024.
Typical support provided for virtual DCS implementations/upgrades includes the following activities:
- Replace the existing virtual controls and interface new version of virtual controls with 3KEYMASTER.
- Support Communications Testing with Ovation/Mark VIe.
- Update I/O mapping, connect models to virtual controllers.
- Verify the DCS HMI Graphics are properly connected through the interfaces to the virtual controllers' I/O to the process models.
- Support re-snapping Initial Conditions (IC) and minor tuning of existing process models.
- Support on-site testing of the updated simulator to validate the implementation of the new interfaces to the virtual DCS.