For more than a decade, Bismarck State College (BSC) and WSC have developed 6 simulators together, all of which run on the web. As online learning becomes a primary delivery method for many students, Bismarck State College continues advancing its online learning capacities by utilizing Learning Management Systems and WSC's Intelligent Tutoring System. With the simulators running on the web, they are always available and convenient for students to access. Because students can access on their own time, they can learn at their own pace outside of a classroom environment. WSC is continuing to develop more features to enhance the 3KEYSTUDENT product such as group sessions; where a group of students are able to operate on one simulator and the ability for an instructor to connect to a student's Simulator session and insert malfunctions, run, freeze, reset the IC and much more. Furthermore, the cost and upkeep of web simulation drastically cuts down expenses, as servers do not need to be maintained and the virtual servers are based on a subscription model in the cloud with a variety of vendors' configurations.