TVA Generic Combined Cycle Simulators
In the Fall of 2018, WSC delivered two generic Combined Cycle Simulators to the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) for use in their new Training Center in Muscle Shoals, Alabama. Both of the combined cycle simulators are based on a 2-on-1 configuration, with one having an emulated GE Cimplicity & Ovation HMI, whereas the other incorporates an emulated Siemens T3000 HMI. The Simulators includes models for all power systems required to allow for operator training on plant fundamentals and operations.
The classroom platform includes powerful workstations with quad 24" LCDs for 10 students and one Instructor. The Instructor also has a 2-in-1 laptop/tablet that has all the same monitoring and control capabilities as the instructor's desktop setup. A 4K 65" large video display was provided for the instructor to show lesson plans, presentations, demonstrations, or for displaying lesson content of any of the students' simulation screens; including the ability to display all 4 HMI screens (quad-view) or just a single screen of a student's simulation session.
The classroom setup is such that students can independently run either simulator on their workstation, or work as a team with multiple students tied to a common load running on a different workstation. The 3KEYMASTER Instructor Station gives the instructor full monitoring and control over each student's simulation session and includes WSC's 3KEYCLASS Super Instructor Station. This application allows the instructor to monitor, control and interact with each or all of the students? simulation session from a single screen. The instructor also has the ability, from the instructor desk, to view or take control any student HMI screens, allowing for individual "show me" type instruction without disrupting the class by walking to each student's workspace.
TVA also is using WSC's 3KEYITS (intelligent tutoring system), which allows students to train without an instructor through pre-scripted lessons that run automatically on the simulator. The system was provided with 23 lessons that cover all aspects of starting up and shutting down a combined cycle power plant and two additional lessons covering abnormal conditions (Loss of Main Condenser Vacuum and Gas Supply Temp/Pressure Problems).