Oglethorpe Power (OPC) Award

Oglethorpe Power (OPC) Thomas A. Smith is a combined cycle plant near Dalton GA, consisting of two 2x1 Units capable of 1260MWe total generation. The Combustion and Steam Turbines are of GE make, and the HRSGs are Aalborg. The gas and steam turbines are controlled by a GE Mark VI control system, while the remainder of the plant is operated via a Emerson DeltaV DCS.

WSC won a contract to build a high fidelity replica training simulator for Unit One. The simulator will include virtual GE Mark VI and Emerson DeltaV control systems. These controls will be integrated with first principles process models of the plant developed using WSC 3KEYMASTER Simulation Technology. Site installation of the simulator and Ready-For-Training is scheduled for December, 2017