WSC 2016 Consortium Summary

WSC hosted their annual 3KEYMASTER Consortium in Savannah Georgia on December 5-8, 2016. Over 40 attendees were present from various nuclear and conventional plants. Through the course of the week, attendees increased their knowledge in simulation and WSCs 3KEYMASTER Software.
The meeting commenced with a Joint Track that included a tour of Southern Companys Plant McIntosh, after which the attendees split into User and Developer Tracks. The Users were involved in a workshop where they learned to use advanced features of the Instructor Station on their simulators and enhance the look and feel of their interface. These advanced examples and exercises to use trends, event triggers, scenarios, and TPR reports in a more effective manner. The Developers workshop was intended for simulation software engineers who had interest in covering in more detail some of the 2016 3KEYMASTER modeling tool enhancements and other new 3KM features.
WSC also had the opportunity to award three customers the following:
WSC 2016 Teamwork Award
Southern Company Mississippi Power Plant Ratcliffe IGCC - In recognition of their promotion of effective teamwork between WSC,Emerson, Southern Company and Mississippi Power
2016 Innovation Award
Duke Power Robinson Nuclear Plant
-In recognition of their support of a novel concept for nuclear power plant training the GlassTop Control Room
2016 Customer Award
NEXTera Energy Seabrook Station - In recognition of their position as longest serving customer, and completing upgrade of all plant models to 3KEYMASTER
Based on user feedback, the week was a success and provided pertinent information to both users and developers.