For over a decade 3KEYMASTER tools have been replacing legacy FORTRAN models for WolfCreek. Now WSC has been contracted to replace their previous reactor thermal-hydraulic, and neutronics models with 3KEYRELAP5-RT including the NESTLE neutronic code. 3KEYRELAP5 is a graphical interface layer developed by WSC to enable communication between DOE Idaho National Laboratorys RELAP5-3D and WSCs 3KEYMASTER real-time simulation software. The 3KEYRELAP5-RT improves the efficiency of the user by providing a graphical view of the reactor model. WSC is also replacing the legacy Fortran logic with a simulation of the graphical simulation of the Westinghouse W7300 analog control system through a custom modeling tool to replicate the original control system. An example of the W7300 upgraded control logic in the 3KEYMASTER environment is provided in the attached diagram.