IAEA - Bangladesh & Vietnam Generic VVER-1000 Simulators

WSC delivered to the International Atomic Energy Commission (IAEA), under two separate contracts, GPWR simulators with a VVER-1000 design for use by the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission and Vietnam Atomic Energy Agency.

In September 2015, both simulators were delivered to customers.  The 3KEYMASTER Generic VVER-1000 Simulators will be used as training tools to teach students the basic reactions/behaviors under normal and abnormal operating conditions. The simulators cover the full range of plant operations from Cold Shutdown, Hot Standby, Criticality, Hot Zero Power through Full Power. The generic simulators include a generic Human Machine Interface (HMI) based on a modern Distributed Control System (DCS) architecture that provides user-friendly navigation through the plant systems and controls. All 3rd generation nuclear power plants employ this DCS-based technology.

WSC is also provided a set of Intelligent Tutoring System Lesson Plans, which allow students to use the simulator without the aid of an instructor. The screenshot shows the VVER-1000 GPWR System Overview.  Each simulator was delivered with a hardware set to allow 4 students to work individually, or concurrently, under the instructors control from the 3KEYMASTER Instructor Station.