Duke Energy awarded WSC a contract to provide a full scale Control Room GlassTop Simulator (CRGTS) for the Brunswick Nuclear Plant (BNP). Brunswick is going through a similar DCS upgrade like Robinson, and based on that projects CRGTS success, Duke chose WSC to provide the CRGTS even though BNPs simulator is not on a 3KEYMASTER simulation platform. For the display architecture to function properly, WSC will provide an interface to the native host, which will then allow the 3KEYMASTER clients to drive the complete set of new 3KEYMASTER panel graphics which will be created for the project. The DCS/TCS displays and input devices (keyboard/trackpad) will be stimulated devices and the simulator updates for DCS/TCS changes will be included in the CRGTS when they become available from their respective projects and be used for testing. The CRGTS is scheduled for delivery by the end of 2015.